Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What is your role?

A lot of us have our quiet times in the morning, afternoon or evening when it's just us and the Lord working through the day's impending craziness or past exhaustiveness (yes, i just made up a word).

The book I've been using is called "A Leader's Heart: 365-Day Devotional Journal" by John Maxwell.  I have to share part of yesterday's with you.  Really made me think....I'm telling you what, God has a purpose and a plan and along the way, He is keeping me in check- this spoke to me BIG TIME!

2nd Kings 20: 2-3 says Hezekiah turned from Isaiah and faced God, praying:
      Remember, O God, who I am, what I've done! I've lived an honest life before you, My heart's been true and steady, I've lived to please you; lived for your approval.

    And then the tears flowed. Hezekiah wept.

Hezekiah was only one of two kingsin Judah who completely followed the Lord.  The prophet Isaiah had predicted Hezekiah's death but Hezekiah poured out his heart to God and reminded Him of His covenant. (Not that God ever needs reminding, I think God sometimes tests us to see that we are going to be faithful and true to our words).  God heard his prayer and healed him.  In fact, God gave him 15 more years on this earth.

As He so does for us, He did for Hezekiah what Hezekiah couldn't do for himself.  See, both knew their roles:

HEZEKIAH                              GOD
1.  Maintain a humble heart      1. Demonstrate grace and power
2.  Submit to God's values         2.  Control the destiny of the land
3.  Ask God to meet needs         3.  Respond to needs of people
4.  Stay faithful to covenant      4.  Stay faithful to the covenant

How are you fulfilling your role?

WOW!  That question just nailed me to the wall.  See, if you are like me, step 3 is soooo easy!  It's the others we have to work on.  Thank GOD that HE IS A GOD WHO STICKS TO HIS ROLE no matter how often we may wander from ours.

Dear Lord, thank you for the devotion you sent yesterday.  Help me to always remember my role and to not ever forget that YOU will ALWAYS remember matter how often I may stray from mine.  Amen.

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