I've been noticing more and more lately the renewing of the age-old issue concerning worship....
We've Never Done It That Way Before! I don't like they you dress for worship! You sang those songs terribly...the first was too low and the second was too high!
Those are all things that I have been told in the last 6 months. Having been involved in the worship ministry now for 21 Years, the response that I wish I could give is usually "UGH". However, the response that I usually give is "Well, you know, not everyone is able to focus in the way that you can" or something along those lines.
Unfortunately, there are many great hymns in the hymnals but they need reviving. Why? Because people have sung them the exact same way for so many years that there is no longer any emotion & feeling to them. Yes, I'm talking about God, the church and worship and I just used the words "Emotion" and "Feeling."
And before you try, don't start going off on me about emotionalism and that whole "God is not a feeling" routine. I know all of that but at the same time, I do serve an emotional God and I know my Lord has feelings.
Tonight, my Pastor was speaking about how people like to try and wear him down. They do that to me, too. But you know what? I get up the next morning and keep doing what God has called me to do...in spite of them! I'm sure that the following video would have some thinking "BLASPHEMY". Let them think it...personally, I LOVE the way they have taken this old hymn and revived it. Yes, REVIVED it!
My prayer is that more of the old hymns of the church would experience a revival!